Pennington Square News
Hello from Pennington Square,
We enjoyed a busy month of September and are excited for October to bring in fall weather and changing leaves. In September we took a bus trip to the Mississippi River Museum in Dubuque. It was a beautiful day and the tenants enjoyed the Leonardo da Vinci exhibit. Their favorite part of the museum was getting to pet the stingrays. The Kiev Orchestra and Symphony came to Monticello and we were very fortunate to get to enjoy some beautiful music. One of our tenant’s even won a CD!
This month we will be taking two bus trips. On our first bus trip we will be going to the Pumpkinfest in Anamosa on Saturday, October 6th. The second bus trip will take place on October 17th where we will be taking a scenic stroll to enjoy the changing leaves. The bus will leave Pennington at 3:00 pm and will stop at Wayne Zion Lutheran Church for their Harvest Festival Supper at 5:00 pm. Wednesday, October 10th tenants will be playing a game called lucky gourd. For this game tenants will be searching the building for a golden gourd. Whoever finds the golden gourd first will win a Halloween prize. We will be celebrating Halloween on October 30th at 2:15 pm. Join us for a caramel apple bar, apple cider and games. Don’t forget to wear your favorite costume! On Halloween night we welcome all children to come trick-or-treating at Pennington Square from 6:00- 7:30 pm.
Something new we started is a monthly trip to Wal-Mart in Anamosa. The Jets bus will be taking tenants on the second Monday of each month from 1:30-2:30 pm. Please let Nikki know if you would like to go on the Wal-Mart trip. We will continue to have wine and cheese following bingo every Friday starting 3:15 pm. Please feel free to join us at Pennington for any activity. If you are interested in volunteering please let Nikki or Kelsey know at (319) 465-2013.
Kelsey McWilliams, Pennington Square Activities
Tuesday, October 30th at 2:15 pm
Caramel Apple Bar, Apple Cider & Games