Happy May! 

The weather has definitely improved and we are so thankful to have more sunshiny days ahead.  Due to COVID 19, visitation is still restricted.  We have been doing a lot of video chatting with residents and their loved ones to stay connected during these strange times.  We can video chat through FaceTime, Skype, Messenger, Snapchat and Google Duo.  If you are interested in connecting using one of the applications, let me know and I can help walk you through the process if this is new to you.  We miss seeing your faces and this is the next best thing.  Just a reminder that if you do come to the window to visit your loved one, the window must remain closed.  COVID 19 travels through the air and we want to keep all of our residents healthy and protected.  We are more than happy to bring a cell phone into the room so you can hear each other while looking through the window.

Another great resource we’ve discovered is HappyGrams!  Go to: happygrams.org to send a thoughtful and personalized note letting your loved one know that you are thinking of them.  It’s very simple to do, it’s free and you can even add a photo to your card.  Happy Grams then creates the card and emails it to me.  I receive them every Monday, and I will then print the cards and deliver it to your loved one.  Feel free to send happy grams not only to your loved one, but any resident at MNRC that you know will enjoy hearing from you.   

Wishing you all continued good health.  We miss you!

Leann Herman, Admissions/Marketing