Nursing News
Hello from the nursing staff! This month we welcome many new faces to the nursing department. Please introduce yourself and assist them in getting to know your routine.
There have been many questions and concerns raised about CBD oil or medical marijuana. At this time we cannot hold or give any form of CBD or marijuana. There are many forms and indications presenting in this recent trend, however, it is the position of the company and legal regulations for avoiding any prescription or non-prescription products for our residents. We ask for all staff, residents, and guests to refrain from bringing any products into the facility for personal or resident use. If you have any questions or concerns, please ask!
If you have not done already, please find time to sort resident belongings and replace worn clothing or items that no longer fit and take home unused blankets, décor, and mail. Our nursing or housekeeping staff can assist if you need it. Decreasing clutter and bulky items can minimize falls and keep rooms tidy.
Enjoy the beautiful Summer weather!
Kelly Fleming, RN, DON