Hello from Nursing!

Dare we say it’s calming down a bit and we are settling back into some normal activities and a routine. What an emotional and physical ride we’ve been on the past few months. There are so many thank yous to extend! To the staff for persevering through one of the greatest challenges healthcare has seen in decades. They did a wonderful job caring for residents, communicating with families, and pulling together to help each other. Their commitment to the facility and keeping the residents safe is obvious and all departments’ teamwork kept the community environment alive! Next, thank you to the families and friends – your support and understanding has been unwavering. We recognize your sacrifice and hope you were able to find a way to support and communicate with the ones you love. And, of course, thank you to all the residents who are the focus of our daily grind. They felt the roller coaster of emotion and health and saw the craziness that became normal.  With extra prayers and hugs we are looking forward to rebuilding and being stronger than ever!

COVID-19 vaccinations started last month, and we have CVS Pharmacy coming back for two more clinics. We have a high percent of residents and staff taking advantage of early access for long term care facilities. We will continue to follow recommendations from the health department for visitation and protective equipment usage as we watch the weekly county rates.

We appreciate all your encouragement, donations, and lovely condolences.  Hope to see you all in person soon – stay healthy and positive!

Kelly Fleming, RN, DON