Welcome April from Activities! It is not the April any of us want, but we will get through this together! Positive thoughts!!

Last month, residents made wonderful cards that were sent to cancer patients at The University of Iowa. Unfortunately, we cannot gather for group activities, but we are providing 1:1 visits and materials for independent activities in their rooms. Some 1:1 and independent activities we will be doing include making crafts like peek-a-boo Easter chick and magnetic holders, getting their nails done, word puzzles, coloring Easter eggs, board games, educational videos, listening to music online, trivia, and spring cleaning.

When the weather is nice, we plan to go outside with social distancing practices of course! We will have traveling happy hour cart on Thursday, April 16. The overhead bingo has been going well.  We will keep doing this every Friday at 2:15. 

Lastly, I would like to acknowledge all of our wonderful volunteers as we celebrate National Volunteer Week April 19-25!! We can’t thank you enough for all that you have done for us throughout the year!! Our annual volunteer supper will be postponed until a later date.

Please call or email to let us know if you would like to set up a time to Facetime or Skype your love ones.



Jenn Woods, Recreation Program Director

April 19-25

Nation Laundry & Linen Week

April 19-25